What do you want?
Most artists will tell you that they don’t want to work on something that doesn’t fulfill their creative drive. Making art just for money can be great at first but before long what we love turns into … well just work. It becomes just a job, just a task we do for a paycheck. As important as money is, it really is not fulfilling.
I had to say that to say this … What do you guys want to see from my brand?
Ha ha I know I’m funny. I guess I have a few specific questions that would mean more than just asking “what do you guys want.” I really like a lot of the changes I made over the past year but I’m still defining my brand. I have had some suggestions from others in the business and I wanted to know what everyone thought.
First would you be interested in an accompaniment video or audio podcast to go along with the topic of each weekly blog? It could be short or long and done in the style of a conversation, advice or note to my younger self.
I asked that first question because I have been Intentionally avoiding a lot of video stuff in 2023 because I really enjoy the introverted artist life. I definitely get my weekly allotment of socializing via DJing and other stuff I do but after that I don’t need any more. The “podcast” or whatever we end up calling it would be something different to possibly encourage someone else without putting me too far outside of my comfort zone.
Unless you have spent any regular amount of time on stage or in front of a camera you wouldn’t understand how quickly you lose all tolerance for your fellow humans, even the ones you like. I do think the video or audio podcast might help some people but am I willing to pay the price mentally? .
Instead of a pre-recorded video or audio, would you like to see me set up some sort of speaking engagement or workshop in the future? This could be educational or encouraging or both. I’ve never considered myself as a motivational speaker but as someone that knows how to get around the barricades we give ourselves, I think I might have something to offer there also.
I guess that takes me to my third and final question. What topics would you like to see me cover in the blog, on the podcast or live? My book has 15 different chapters that cover a WIDE range of my past experiences in the entertainment world.
Chapters in the book cover such topics as the difference between imaginative creative and expressive. I look at how creativity is a lot more than just art. I go over my experiences in the dance world, the vocal performance world and the DJ world. I talk about how I’ve thoroughly enjoyed bridging the gap between physical art and digital art and I think more importantly I cover in several different ways the artistic or creative side that is our fellow humans, the world around us and inside us.
So I guess that finally leaves everything up to you. Please take some time to think about this and drop me an email, a message or a note here on the blog (if that is where you are reading this).
I’m probably not going to take every suggestion but I do want to hear what people value when it comes to what I have to offer.
Thank You and God Bless,