If you have watched any of my videos you know that I tend to have a habit of changing things. I tend to try different videos styles, I try a lot of AI apps, test out a lot of different technology and a lot different ways to communicate and be creative.
A few weeks ago I did a video where I took an excerpt from my book and put some videos to it.
I want to try to do that again but this one will be just me narrating some of my thoughts instead of doing the typical talking head style video.
I don’t get a lot of interaction or comment … there is not really a lot a views either so I don’t suppose people would mind if I try this style out for a few weeks. With that said I want to talk about being different.
I want to specifically ask the question, If you are someone that people call “different” are you OK being different?
With all the different things I try, you would think I’m a person who loves change. Quite the contrary, I am a person who thrives on routine and patterns except when it comes to creativity.
In my book “The Creative Virus” I have a chapter called “Eye see differently. In this chapter I talk about how I did not learn till much later in life that I see things in a different way than most people do. I notice a so much more than most people do.
Most day it feels like I’m sitting in a room with 40 TVs on, a person that I have to hold a conversation with and a task that I have to complete.
Being creative, that helps a lot. I can quickly draw from a lot of things I’ve seen in the past then quickly piece them into something new. On the other hand, it makes it nearly impossible to hold a conversation in a busy public place.
I’ve learned to acceptor at least I’m trying to get better at accepting the way my brain works. I’ve spend a lot of time trying to understand what my brain is saying to me. It might be saying that it’s overwhelmed or it’s bored or it might just warn me of something that I can’t seem to notice in the moment.
I’m guessing that’s the same for a lot of people. I’m also guessing that a lot of people are afraid to admit that. That brings me back to the question I said at the top of the video, are you OK being different?
We all have things we need to work through but just being different isn’t a mistake or something that needs to be fixed. You might have anger issues or trust issues or patience issues and all of those things can be worked on but just being different isn’t something you need to fix.
A while back I ran into a friend of mine who I had not seen in 30 years. He recently retired from his day job but ended up taking the knowledge that he had and started using it in some of his favorite hobbies and was really enjoying that. He mentioned too me of our mutual friends that “Michael had it figured out this whole time. He was doing what he loved his whole life. I didn’t figure that out till I retired”
I’m going to be honest, It was a surprise hearing him say that but it felt really good.
I mentioned in my book that I was told many times growing up “if you don’t make something or fix something it’s not a real job.” I have had to fight against those words in real life from other people and from my own brain repeating their words over and over.
I want to encourage you that if you are different and or how you want to make your income is different, you are not wrong
As long as your bills are paid, I doesn’t matter if someone else calls it a “real job” or not. Life is short and it’s yours to live so live it like it is your life …because it is your life. Be different, be creative, be the best you, you can be and be ok with being different!
Here is a video to go along with today’s message.