Do you know where your feet are?


He is a quick excerpt from my book “The Creative Virus”.

“You can approach life from any angle you want. You can set any destination you wish. You can even plan out every step in your journey, but more often than not, along that journey, life happens. As much as I would like life to be predictable, it just isn’t, but that doesn’t mean the unforeseen things weren’t meant to be. If you know me at all, you know my faith is the most important thing to me. I usually don’t say too much about it unless someone asks because I can’t prove to you what I believe any more than you can prove to me what you believe. I live my life by my beliefs, and I will never let anyone bully me because they think I’m wrong. I can’t make your choices for you anymore than you can make mine for me. We just have to accept that we are not accountable for another’s actions, but we are absolutely for our own. My choice is a loving God who is kind, gentle, and always there for us. It was once said that “Faith can move mountains but don’t be surprised if God hands you a shovel.” The outcome may be undetermined or unpredictable, but your actions along the way are always one choice at a time. You can’t start from yesterday, just from today, right where you are at this point. No one knows the outcome for sure, but you can say with some certainty where your next step will be so, be where your feet are. Start from there with your basics like your stability, relationships, self-respect, and the realization that you are you, and there is nothing wrong with that. Just don’t be afraid to ask yourself, “What can the best me be’’?””

Have a great weekend.

God Bless,



Is your head where your feet are?


No filter, just some really strong UV lights. Nothing freezes you in the moment quite like your shoe laces looking like they are made of tritium.

Be where your feet are … even if they are glowing. 🙂

I do custom designs in my Etsy store. If there is something you are thinking about feel free to ask.

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Michael Joseph

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