This picture is a type of long exposure photograph called “Live Composite Mode” meaning that the shutter of the camera is open for a period of time so things that move seem to show motion. Their path, such as a car’s headlights, isn’t just a single spot of light it becomes a long string of light. I know that’s an overly simplified definition of long exposure photography or in this case live composite mode but I’m guessing you already know how that works.

It’s funny how technology lets us see things from a completely different perspective than a living human is able to comprehend with our senses. Whether it be a long exposure photograph, a microscope seeing something small or a telephoto lens seeing something far away. The technology we have now lets us experience life the way people 100 years ago could not. What to us is just here and gone unstoppable via our senses, through technology, it can become a single picture of several minutes combined.

This perspective helps us see how fast life is happening around us. It makes me think of how fast some people are trying to live their life. A lot of people say life is short but I always like to think of it as life is fast. The day is still 24 hours no matter what time in history you were born but it’s how fast that time perceivably passes that is different for everyone.

If I were to give you some encouragement today I would say try to make your mind look at the world around you like this photograph. Try to absorb more than just a moment of it at a time. Stop and take in the time frame of any positive moments you have and piece them together until it’s something you can feel. Once you do that, hold on to it like a photograph and use that memory when things aren’t so positive.

Life is fast yet just like technology we have the ability to slow things down if nothing more than in our mind and if nothing more than for just a few moments. Take a photograph, send someone a quick note or just take a few extra seconds to let someone know they are appreciated. That moment will be captured in its own way similar to the live composite mode or long exposure photograph. That moment will not only be something that we can look back on fondly but can also use for inspiration to give someone else a memorable moment in time.

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