Hi, I’m Michael Joseph and on this newsletter / podcast I want to encourage people to create a life they love to live in and don’t need a vacation from
I want to encourage you to find new creative ways, life hacks or problem-solving techniques for your mental, physical and spiritual life.
This will include life hacks to help you chase your dreams, fulfill your purpose, and be the best version of you, you can be.
I currently have a book out called “The Creative Virus.” You can get it wherever you buy books.
Here is a quote from my book.
“Most people express themselves with a lot of words, sometimes way too many words, others only need a few words to make their case to the world yet fewer still speak volumes with no words at all.”
I’m not trying to say that people who talk a lot have nothing to say. On the contrary, it’s more about what you say than how many words it takes to say it. And yes, this is coming from someone who has a book out with a lot of words in it.
The basic premise of this new leg in my business is to encourage others to create a life that is not a burden to them. I know some people who have responsibilities to take care of family members or friends, whether they be young or old. That’s not the kind of burden that I’m trying to get you to let go of.
I’m trying to help you understand that there are things in your life that at one time you considered important. For one reason or another you have let them go. These things might be simple activities like hobbies that you enjoyed. They could be things like drawing, writing, woodworking, gardening or whatever.
For some reason you’ve let them go completely when they could be a part of your life in a very small way time wise, but yet very large fulfillment wise.
Look at your life in the way the quote from my book does. “Where some people express themselves with a lot of words others need a few words yet still fewer say nothing at all, yet their lack of words speak volumes.”
Find your voice in all of this madness. Life is absolutely crazy at times, but you have to grab a hold of today because no one can change the past and no one is promised the future.
Another quote from my book and is on a shirt in my Etsy store says, “Be where your feet are.” That means mentally be where you physically are. Consciously notice what is going on around you. What can you change? What can you let go of? What can you share to help those around you right now?
This is not about making some giant life changing decision. It can be today, and it could be as simple as saying “I’m going to take 5 minutes later to sit down by my self and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea or whatever.”
It is time set aside for the inner part of you. Again, it does not have to be a large amount of time, it can be just you refocusing or recentering yourself back to that life where you feel alive and free to be the true you.
So, with that said I encourage you to find the words you want to say. It doesn’t matter if they’re a lot or little. Say them the way you want to say them. Be loud, quiet or without any volume whatsoever. Remember, it’s your life to live, so live it as if it’s your life because … it is your life and it is the only one you get to live.
God Bless,



I don’t know how it is where you’re from but around here if we get an inch of snow everybody and their brother posts pictures about it as if no one can look out their window and see it snowing.
Of course, I had to join in but with my own little snide comment.
“In case no one posted any pictures on social media … We got some snow over the weekend 🤫😁🙄”
I couldn’t decide if this should be a black and white picture or not. Let me know what you think.