
I have been recently reading two books by Simon Senek titled “Start with why” and “Find your why”. In my book “The Creative Virus”, I talked about my “why” for all the creative ventures over my life. I discuss the fact that my “why” was not Fame and Fortune, it had always been I simply wanted to make money at being creative, so I didn’t have to work a day job. That realization of that concept is what started me writing the book, I realized that I was already living my “why.”

Fast forward almost four years, one might ask, if I already know my “why”, then why am I reading two books about finding your “why?” I don’t think my “why” has changed, I think I’m fine-tuning my “why”. Yes, things have changed a little, that is perfectly normal. It’s just that I am heading towards (I can’t believe I’m saying this) my retirement years and I see my “why” as something that needs to be tended to with the same importance as my finances and my health.

I think when you realize that all you are trying to do is avoid working a day job and make money at something you enjoy that realization can make you a bit desperate to do more of that. Let me explain.

Now that I realize that it is possible to make a full time living at being creative, I start to wonder how much of a living I can make if I do a little bit more than just express my feelings through creativity. What if I tried to introduce some formulas to put that creativity on a fast track to making more money? Is that defeating the whole purpose of just being creative to express yourself or is it a smart tactical move in a commerce driven society?

That is part of what I am taking this summer sabbatical. I know I can make YouTube videos every single week and promote products through the videos and the blog but then does that change my “why” from expressing my creativity to doing it primarily for a paycheck? I’m just doing something for money where I’m my boss as opposed to working for a corporation.

The only answer I have for you at this time is the division of those two blurs together heavily. Yes, it is important to make money, but I have learned that having money WILL NOT make you happy or fulfilled. That “high” is VERY short lived and you will never be done chasing it.

I think that is why I’m feeling stuck right now because I see that I can go in a commercially viable direction, but I think that’s going to take away from the simplicity that my life currently has.

As I said before, thinking towards my retirement years, I want to continue to be creative and active. I am now thinking how can I carry the simplicity of this life on into retirement where I both keep myself active and engaged and make some income in the process.

That is not only the question but posable the next book.

God Bless,


“I was never lost, but I did lose why I was headed that way in the first place.”


The Audio Book is now on the following places.

More to come soon!


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NOOK Audiobooks




Having some fun with long exposure photography in complete darkness on my Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.

I do custom designs in my Etsy store. If there is something you are thinking about feel free to ask.

My Etsy Store

Michael Joseph

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